The District Director for the Vigo County Soil and Water Conservation Office, Jan Came, has announced that Vigo and Clay County are the Clean Water Indiana Grant
...Hot News
A new organization has cropped up, called PHISH (People who Help Improve Soil Health). PHISH promotes soil health in its communities and neighboring
...Tucked away in rural Cloverdale is a developing quail habitat maintained by Bill Wilcox and Bill Noble. Coming from California, where their passion for gardening
...Meet Paul Pendergast
A new organization has cropped up, called PHISH (People who Help Improve Soil Health). PHISH promotes soil health in its communities and neighboring counties. These
...Project Learning Tree
Donna Rogler, Department of Natural Resources’ Project Learning Tree Coordinator and Forestry Education Specialist, explained Project Learning Tree and its importance in a
...Nestled on the southwest side of the Greencastle, Forest Hills Cemetery is home to an emerging pollinator habitat. A collaboration between the City of Greencastle, Quail
...Quail in Cloverdale
Tucked away in rural Cloverdale is a developing quail habitat maintained by Bill Wilcox and Bill Noble. Coming from California, where their passion for gardening originated, the pair eventually